Vivid Morsels

In early April 2005 I was brought on board to production design a script by Neil McCay, Peter Dowty, and David Groves. The film we're creating is entitled "11", and is about parallels, fate, and the worst movie ever made. Here are my production notes and scenes from behind the scenes. -Alessandra Nicole

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Location: United States

introspective multifaceted explorer


from 2002

Manic Sunset

The moon is bright and full and I actually got out of work before dark for once. The sun was setting over the great Chesapeake Bay as I crossed the five-mile bay bridge.

Suddenly, a feeling of euphoria welled up from somewhere deep within me, like my soul woke up from a nap and was stretching. I began to feel so peaceful and happy that tears came to my eyes. Seeing both the sun setting and the fat moon hanging in the sky like it was I had to pull over to give them my full attention. I looked out over the Bay as vibrant violets and tangerines lost their tempers and exploded into an astonishing array of furious flames filling the clouds overhead with a raging fever. What was even more breathtaking was the reflection made in the water, perfectly mirrored as if there was no horizon line, and it didn’t even stagger as it was sliced in half by a sharp oceanliner. I stood there and imagined myself diving into that reflection, swimming and swirling with the mercury-stained sun and the shy stars, swept into a technicolor tide of tremendous color play. I waited until the very tip of the sun vanished below the horizon, and filled my lungs with the sweet Bay air musk I grew up with.
The stars began to pop out by the thousands, fluttering like a swarm of sparkling fireflies. It was as if the Man in the Moon uncorked a bottle of glimmering champagne in celebration of the beginning of night. I waited until all of the stars appeared, bowing to their royalty that magnificent and full moon which was set up into the sky like a topaz gem set into the crown of a queen. I waited until a gentle northeastern January breeze ran her chilly fingers through my hair, whispering into my ears that night had begun and the temperature had dropped. I climbed back into my little car and let the moon lead me east, and I drove up the moonbeams to my home.
For the first time, I felt in my heart the reassurance I prayed deeply for the past three months since I let a downswing of depression eclipse the view of my faith. I felt God ruling from His throne in Heaven, the Divine Artist transforming day to evening, saturating my soul with a sunset’s vibrance, filling the broken pieces of my heart’s canvas with hope, peace, and love. For tonight, I give my Father praise. Amen.


Blogger the songscribe said...

Hi. I have no idea who you are - well except for what's on your blog - but curiosity led me to your archives where I saw this post. It is simply beautiful. I am truly moved by this prose which describes such a simple event with the most beautiful word pictures. I cannot even express absolutely wonderful it is. In the span of just a few lines I was moved from the mundane to the magnificent - from the awe of my own importance to the reality of my insignificance. And then you cap this perfect and splendid and serene observation with the inspired response of giving praise to God. This is exactly how it should be.

Like I said, I have no idea who you are, but thank you for putting this out there. I genuinely believe that perhaps it was God who directed your path in posting this because he knew that some months later I might need just this little bit of encouragement to help me along. I am so moved.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And all praise be to God.

4:36 PM  

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